Monday, June 18, 2007


If you were wondering...a little hot in the afternoon but fine in the shade, and there is generally a nice breeze. The evenings are absolutely perfect. As you may have noticed from the photos, it's like this every single day. You begin to understand why it's so popular with Scandanavians, Germans, and Brits (and I suppose it excuses a little of the trashy beach town atmosphere that comes along with it).


Anonymous said...

have you gone swimming in any of the greecian beaches? what's the water like? is it as beautiful as it looks?!

Katie said...

The water is fabulous. Salty of course but great. Went swimming in Rethymno (Crete) - Rhodes - Santorini. The beaches vary dramatıcally. Some are really rocky and you have to be pretty careful others are sandy and warm. On Santorini some are black and some are red. It all depends. If you want a dream beach though - honestly - you could probably just to Florida. Eh?

Anonymous said...

but florida is not as interesting. i don't think there are any red beaches there :)