Saturday, June 30, 2007


I'll have to upload my photos from Istanbul. I do have a few despite my illness...or you can google Cappaodoccia Turkey and see the same thing. Ha.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Katie, It's my birthday, I'm having a party today. I want Aunt Katie to come for my birthday. It's a Sleeping Beauty Party. Bring a present!


Bye Aunt Katie,
Love Gracie XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Katy ... wonderful blog and pics and enlightening words. Glad you're feeling better, stay away from that tap water. Drink Vodka, it's medicinal ... and an internal antiseptic. thank you for my cup of disappearing Rights. I drink from it every day and, with the Bushies, I live it every day. Stay strong and on course. Love, Dick Lord

RougeMistress said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better, Lady.