Friday, August 31, 2007

Monkeys Everywhere.

Think about the squirrels you see all day, every day. Now, turn them into monkeys. You're in India.

Yesterday, on one rooftop I saw one monkey eating corn on the cob, a second trying to eat a rubber glove, and a third playing with chewing gum.


Unknown said...

That's a lot of monkeys. But monkeys cute, right? Let's hope.

Katie said...

Yeah, cute but ferocious sometimes. I keep my distance, you know how animals like to attack me. The last thing I need is monkey bite in the remote Himalayas.

Anonymous said...

That sounds awesome! Can you bring one home for me? Oscar needs a playmate.

Love you! Alysson

Katie said...

Oscar. Hmm. I have seen some dog/monkey stand-offs. Those monkeys like to stir things up but they always run in the end.