Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Some things I've learned about Greek people (warning: blatant generalizations here)

1. Young people work hard - almost all of the people I've talked to work long hours, six days a week. Some, every single day. And they have the same problem we do - overqualified and underemployed.
2. People that serve tourists are grumpy, but if you actually take the time to talk to someone they are incredibly nice, open, and curious about what I think about Greece, and what my life is like in the U.S.
3. They are patriotic, but not in the American sense.
4. They are crazy drivers.
5. They love basketball - the Greek version of the NBA is always on in cafes and bars.
6. They drink a lot of coffee (and a lot of instant coffee).
7. Most people live with their parents until they get married.
8. Everyone speaks a little English (and German, Italian, French, etc.)

1 comment:

Tarn said...

reminds me of a joke:

1. what do you call a person who speaks 3 languages? ANS: trilingual

2. what do you call a person who speaks 2 languages? ANS: bilingual

3. what do you call a person who speaks 1 language? ANS: an American!